Cincinnati Weather Information

Cincinnati has four distinct seasons. A summer with high heat that draws people to pools, waterparks, and relaxing at a Cincinnati Reds game. A fall that has lots of leaves changing colors and creates beautiful hiking opportunities throughout the city and region. A winter that usually sees enough snow to give the city a scenic covering of snow and usually a few days off of school for the kids. A spring where flowers emerge, baseball begins, and Cincinnati’s parks fill up with people looking to enjoy the weather.Cincinnati has a wide variety of attractions for every season, for a list visit Cincy Rent’s Attractions.

CINCINNATI WEATHER rates Cincinnati’s comfort index as a 7.2 out of 10, stating that September, June, and May are the most pleasant months in Cincinnati. If you’re considering renting in Cincinnati, you may be wondering specifically what the weather is like. Below you can find a month-by-month breakdown of the averages in each month.

Weather in January

January is a cold month in Cincinnati. The average high temperature is 39 ºF, the average low is 22 ºF. On average there are 13 days with precipitation, 115 hours of sunshine, and an average of 2.87 inches of precipitation.

Weather in February

February, the last full month of winter, remains quite cold. The average high temperature is 44ºF, the average low is 26ºF. On average there are 11 days with precipitation, 137 hours of sunshine, and an average of 2.64 inches of precipitation.

Weather in March

March is when things tend to warm up a bit as it is the first month of spring. The average high temperature is 55ºF, the average low is 34ºF. On average there are 13 days with precipitation, 186 hours of sunshine, and 3.82 inches of precipitation. Occasionally there will still be some snow in March.

Weather in April

April is the beginning of baseball season for Cincinnati and the weather suits it quite well. The average high temperature is 65ºF, the average low is 43ºF. On average there are 12 days with precipitation, 222 hours of sunshine, and 3.82 inches of precipitation.

Weather in May

May, the last full month of spring, continues to get warmer and increases in precipitation. The average high temperature is 75 ºF, the average low is 53 ºF. On average there are 12 days with precipitation, 273 hours of sunshine, and 4.72 inches of precipitation.

Weather in June

June is the month where summer begins. The average high temperature is 83 ºF, the average low is 62 ºF. On average there are 13 days with precipitation, 309 hours of sunshine, and 4.17 inches of precipitation.

Weather in July

July is, on average, the hottest month of the year in Cincinnati. The average high temperature is 87 ºF, the average low is 66 ºF. On average there are 10 days with precipitation, 323 hours of sunshine, and 3.86 inches of precipitation.

Weather in August

August is the last full month of summer. The average high temperature is 85 ºF, the average low is 64 ºF. On average there are nine days with precipitation, 295 hours of sunshine, and 3.98 inches of precipitation.

Weather in September

September is the month when fall begins and the temperature and environment take on a noticeable change. The average high temperature is 79 ºF, the average low is 57 ºF. On average there are nine days with precipitation, 253 hours of sunshine, and 3.11 inches of precipitation.

Weather in October

October is when the leaves really start to change color and it looks like autumn. The average high temperature is 67 ºF, the average low is 44 ºF. On average there are nine days of precipitation, 205 hours of sunshine, and 2.83 inches of precipitation. While it is rare, it can and has snowed in October.

Weather in November

November is the last full month of fall. The average high temperature is 55 ºF, the average low is 36 ºF. On average there are 10 days with precipitation, 138 hours of sunshine, and 3.31 inches of precipitation.

Weather in December

December is the first month of winter with an average high temperature of 44 ºF, an average low of 27 ºF. On average there are 11 days with precipitation, 118 hours of sunshine, and 3.11 inches of precipitation.

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