Apply Online

Cincy Rents
2726 Observatory Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45208
(513) 842-RENT (PH) 842-2255 (FAX)

Fields marked with * are required. If any field does not apply to you, please type "N/A" rather than leaving it blank.

Please make sure you choose the correct property from the property drop-down box below for which you are applying. Also note that each occupant over the age of 18 must complete and submit an application.

On this day, Saturday, March 29, 2025, the undersigned hereby applies to rent the residence located at

from the Owner/Agent and Cincy Rents. In addition to monthly rent, a Security Deposit is required to secure the unit.

Applicant Information


Format: 555-55-5555

Format: (555) 555-5555

Format: (555) 555-5555

Format: mm/dd/yyyy

Format: mm/dd/yyyy

Applicant's Current Address:

* Have you lived here for at least two years?

Applicant's Previous Address:

Applicant's Education History:

Applicant's Employment History:

Format: (555) 555-5555

years months

Format: (555) 555-5555

years months


* Do you have any vehicles?

Other Occupants:

* Will you be occupying this property with anyone else?


* Will you be bringing an animal to live on premises?

Animal #1

* Is the animal spayed or neutered?

* Do you have rental verification from your previous landlord?

* Does the animal have claws?

* Do you have vet records for this animal?

Animal #2

Is the animal spayed or neutered?

Do you have rental verification from your previous landlord?

Does the animal have claws?

Do you have vet records for this animal?

Animal #3

Is the animal spayed or neutered?

Do you have rental verification from your previous landlord?

Does the animal have claws?

Do you have vet records for this animal?

Emergency Contacts:

Credit Card Information:

Please enter your credit card information below so we can process your application. Upon approval, you may be required to provide additional verification by way of official documentation.

16 digits

3 or 4 digits on back of card

Full Name:
Billing Address:

Please read and answer accurately:

* Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a minor traffic offense?

* Have you ever filed bankruptcy?

* Have you ever been served an eviction notice or been asked to vacate a property you were renting?

* Have you ever willfully or intentionally refused to pay rent when due?

* Have you ever changed your Name?

* Do you know of anything which may interrupt your income or an ability to pay rent?

Referring Tenant

Thank you for choosing Cincy Rents. We appreciate your business!

By clicking on the "submit application" button below you are authorizing Cincy Rents to charge the credit card provided above a $40 fee per applicant. If there is a co-applicant, $40 will be charged for the applicant, and $40 for the co-applicant.

Please Note: If you do rent from Cincy Rents there will be additional information needed upon signing lease.

Additional Terms and Conditions: By clicking on the "Submit Application" button you agree to the following:

I have re- examined the information which I have provided on this application, and I agree that it is true and complete. Except as noted above, (1) I have never been, nor am I now being, dispossessed or evicted from any rental unit; (2) I have never broken or in any manner failed to honor a lease or rental agreement; and (3) I have no legal judgments against me. I understand that providing false or incomplete information on this application shall be grounds for immediate eviction.

I understand by providing this deposit, owner/owner's agent is in good faith reserving the selected property in my name and any cancellation by applicant will result in forfeiture of all provided deposits. Should owner/owner's agent reject this application, for any reason, I understand the security deposit will then be returned to me in full. I have also been made aware the application processing fee is non-refundable regardless of the outcome of this application.

If this application is accepted, I agree to sign the Owner/Owner Agent's Rental Agreement and any related addendums within 3 days of acceptance of this application.

I understand that if this application is accepted and I decide not to rent the residence my security deposit will be forfeited.

I hereby authorize the Owner/Owner Agent and Cincy Rents to obtain information concerning my past and present credit, rental history, employment history, and to answer any questions in the future regarding their experience with me. I hereby authorize any of the following sources, including but not limited to (1) credit reporting agencies, (2) public or privately owned utility companies, (3) governmental housing agencies, and (4) current or past landlords, employers, or creditors, to release any said information to the above named party. I hereby release any of the above sources, their officers, agents, or employees, from any liability for damages of any kind, caused by negligence or otherwise, which may at any time result to me by reason of compliance with the above-mentioned inquiry. This includes, but is not limited to, the answering of specific questions and any information provided concerning my present or past record.

It is illegal, pursuant to the Ohio Fair Housing Law, Division (H) of Section 4112.02 of the Revised Code and the Federal Fair Housing Law, and 42 U.S.C.A. 3601, to refuse to sell, transfer, assign, rent, lease, sublease, or finance housing accommodations, refuse to negotiate for the sale or rental of housing accommodations, or otherwise deny or make unavailable housing accommodations because of race, color, religion, sex, familial status as defined in Section 4112.01 of the Revised Code, ancestry ,military status as defined in that section, disability as defined in that section, or national origin; or to so discriminate in advertising the sale or rental of housing, in the financing of housing, or in the provision of real estate brokerage services. It is also illegal, for profit, to induce or attempt to induce a person to sell or rent a dwelling by representations regarding the entry into the neighborhood of a person or persons belonging to one of the protected classes.

Have questions? CONTACT US TODAY